Blog - Kancelaria Adwokacka Adam Gautier


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Zloty loan with WIBOR – what should I know?

What is WIBOR ?  WIBOR stands for Warsaw Interbank Offered Rate. In simple terms, it is the interest rate on the interbank market at which banks agree to lend to each other. It is therefore an indicator of the amount at which a bank borrows money in the financial market in order to put it into circu...

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What are the consequences of establishing paternity in Poland ?

Paternity in legal terms creates a bond between father and child, which in turn actualises numerous responsibilities on their part. The primary obligation that paternity gives rise to is the father's maintenance obligation towards his dependent child. It should be emphasised that the maintenance obligation in Poland has both a property and a non-material nature. The father is thus obliged...

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How is paternity established in Poland?

1. What does the term paternity even mean? Paternity in legal terms confirms that a man is the father of a child. The legal bond in question generates both rights and obligations between the above-mentioned which are not created by the biological bond alone. 2. What is the presumption of paternity and what are the other ways of establishing this link? ...

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Non-payers of child maintenance in Poland : you could risk prison

The fact of evading payment of alimony has a certain number of consequences for the obligated party. The person entitled may resort to several institutions enabling the execution of alimony. In particular, in the event of non-payment of alimony by the debtor, the beneficiary may defer the decision to hand the execution to a bailiff. It should be noted that the sums collected in that case ...

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How can I obtain a permit to buy real estate in Poland ?

As a general rule, foreigners who wish to acquire real estate in Poland must obtain a permit from the Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration. This is a process that can take up to several months. Citizens of the European Economic Area (i.e. citizens of the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway) and Switzerland are exempt from the aforementioned obligat...

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Buying real estate in Gdansk as a foreigner: do I need a permit?

Every year, Gdansk is becoming more and more attractive for Polish tourists but also foreigners willing to buy real estate in the city, and ...

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